Math 2

Chapter 1: Arithmetic and Algebra

Monday, September 11: Deadline for late work, quiz retakes, and test explanations

Tuesday, September 12: Chapter One Test

Online Quizzes

SectionOnline QuizStatus
1-AFractions and DecimalsDue Wednesday, August 16
1-BOrder of Operations and NegativesDue Thursday, September 7
1-CProperties of ExponentsDue Thursday, September 7
1-DFunctions and their GraphsDue Thursday, September 7


SectionPractice QuizQuiz Score
1-AFractions and Decimals
1-BOrder of Operations and Negatives
1-CProperties of Exponents
1-DFunctions and their Graphs


1.45, 12, 15, 21, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36, 39, 42, 59, 70, 72CTuesday, August 29View