
1: Since they are the same shape, the angles are the same.

5: To go from the smaller figure to the larger figure, make sure the scale factor you use is bigger than 1.

11: The ratio is the scale factor.

20: Multiply 10 by the scale factor twice, because area is two-dimensional.

28: This is getting smaller, so the scale factor is less than 1.

29: This is getting larger, so the scale factor is more than 1.

30: The angles stay the same, and the sides can be found by multiplying by the appropriate scale factor.

32: This is the same as #28 or #29, depending on which way it is going.

34: Since area is two-dimensional, the scale factor has to be squared.

38: Because they are the same shape, the corresponding angles are the same for both.

45: Can a rhombus have different angle measures than another rhombus?

46: Could two squares be the same shape? Could they be different shapes?

48: Could a right triangle be the same shape as an equilateral triangle? Could they be different shapes?